Wineskin For Mac Os Sierra

I recently upgraded my macbook to the new OS Sierra. Upon doing so, EQ will no longer run through wineskin. I just get 'no window available' and the patcher doesn't launch. Wondering if anyone who uses wineskin or has played EQ on a mac recently has any experience with fixing wineskin for compatibility on the new OS. Open Wineskin, select Set Screen Options, turn off 'Auto Detect GPU Info for Direct3D' and it should work. Note also, I seem to have better performance using X11 than the Mac Driver in High Sierra.

NOTE: This is for the GOG version of Deus Ex 1. If you need the CD version go to Wineskin Install CD Rom

SAD NOTE: Due to apple dropping support for 32 Bit with the release of macOS 10.15 (Catalina) onwards it will no longer work!

I wrote a tutorial back in 2014 on how to install Deus Ex 1 GOTY on Wineskin with the CD rom version, but due to some comments people wanted to know how to do the same with the GOG version since there are certain issues - mainly macOS 10.13 so now I have wrote this.

For this tutorial you will need the following:

  • For this 'How to' I am using the 'Offline Backup Installer' of Deus Ex™ GOTY Edition puchased from
  • Wineskin 1.7 and make sure to use wrapper version 2.6.2 which can be downloaded for free here.

Step 1:

Setup the Wineskin Wrapper

Lets get started by launching 'Wineskin Winery' and choose 'WS9WineCX15.3.1' engine (This is also VERY important if you want it to work) then press 'Create New Blank Wrapper'.

Now call it 'Deus Ex GOG' and press okay to create the blank wrapper.


Once done select 'View wrapper in Finder' and now you can quit the 'Wineskin Winery' app which is no longer needed.

This will show your new wrapper in the finder so simply click the icon + ctrl key. From the popup that appears choose 'Show Package Contents'.

Open the 'Wineskin' app.

First lets select the 'Set Screen Options'.

From the new window simply make sure only 'Use Mac Driver instead of X11' and 'Decorate windows' are checked under the 'Other Options'. This is one of things that is really important to get it to work on macOS 10.13. Once done press 'Done'.

Now select the 'Advanced' button.

Once the new window appears choose the 'Tools' tab then 'Winetricks' under 'Utilities'.

Now this is another part that is really... really important to work on macOS 10.13, otherwise you will have loads of issues trying to install the Gog version of the game.

First search for 'vid' and expand 'settings' and choose 'videomemorysize=2048' checkbox. Then choose 'run' - a popup will appear saying do you wish to run winetricks, just press 'run'. Once it is up and running just press the 'close' button.

Step 2:

Install Deus Ex GOG version

Now time to install Deus Ex, so choose the 'Configuration' tab and press the 'Install Software' button.

Choose the 'Choose Setup Executable' option.

Now find your downloaded Gog version of Deus Ex - at this time it's 'setup_deus_ex_goty_1.112fm (revision1.'.

Now this should be straight forward but I will show what options appear. So for a start choose your language by default it is English.

Check the 'Yes, I have read and accept EULA' option. Now for me I don't want an alias appearing on my desktop so I then choose 'Options' on the left.

... so uncheck the 'Create desktop icon option and then click 'Install' on the right.

Now you will get the progress bar as it starts to install... full of loads of game adds.

Once finished you will see some small warning windows (maybe around 3 or 4) but don't worry just press 'Okay'. Now you should have the 'Installed Successfully' screen. Just press 'Exit' since we need to set the startup application.

From the next window choose the startup app which is based in 'GOG Games/Deus Ex GOTY/System/DeusEx.exe' and press 'OK'.

Now just quit the 'Deus Ex GOG' wineskin wrapper. Once done startup the app and for the first time you will be shown several screenshots just press okay to them and get the game up and running. Here are the screenshots you should see for reference.

From my experience this is still the greatest game in history and I hope this has helped anybody trying to get the GOG version up and running on their macs.

Use hotComm Lite to join a hotComm room or webinar and participate in a multi-media session.
Free 7-Day Trial*, then purchase.

hotComm Standard/Pro is the core of the hotComm product line. Depending on the license you choose, it can be used as a server, a presention product, or a tool for joining rooms. Use it to moderate or join hotComm rooms and participate in a multi-media sessions.
* NEW in Revision 8.00.008x - Presenter Pro licenses ONLY * Some of our Presenters have asked for a small screen to confirm the charts being sent out so that the Presenter can ensure, quite literally, that everyone is 'on the same page'.
On first use, the Preview window will display centered on the screen but simply drag it to a more convenient location and its new position will be remembered for future use in the hotComm settings file.
Free 7-Day Trial*, then purchase.

For CL-enabled rooms:
hotComm CL is a flexible client designed for presentations and webinars in CL-enabled rooms.
Free, but not available for all rooms.

Select CL with Shortcut if your room connection instructions tell you to do so.
Download CL International (Spanish)

* For new users, we offer one free 7-day trial of one hotComm product. Continued use, trials of other products, or additional trials require a purchased license.


Connect to Room Shortcut Utility

Click hotComm Room Shortcut Utility to create a desktop shortcut to connect to a specific room.


Wineskin For Mac Os Sierra

Click Revision History for a brief list of hotComm revision changes.

Connectibility Test

To test your current Firewall and port compatibility, click here.

EmKay Professional Series Headset (Model #VR-3345)

Add a headset for convenient hands-free voice-overIP.
Buy now!

System Requirements

The minimum system requirements are:
Windows clients: hotComm, hotCommLite, and hotComm CL

  • Windows XP. Vista or Windows 7/8 on a PC. You may need to be logged in with Administrator Privileges to install and start the software if you're downloading to a PC on a corporate network.
  • Minimum RAM: 512K RAM for text chat only, (bare minimum)
  • BEST by Microsoft is recommended 1 gigabyte of RAM for multi-media (i.e. VoIP, 1.0 Second updating visual graphics programs/trading platforms AND text/typing 'chat') presentations, (Typical Setup: Windows Vista, 7 or 8 64 bit machine - 32 bit machines can have less RAM)

  • NOTE: more RAM may be needed for presenting, recording and/or running multiple programs at the same time.
  • 10 MB of hard disk space for installation.
  • An high-speed (preferably wired) Internet connection.
  • Microsoft DirectX 9.0 or higher. See Microsoft for DirectX downloads.
  • For audio, the Truespeech audio codec must be installed. See Truespeech in 'I can't hear anyone'.
  • For speaking, a noise-cancelling microphone is recommended.
  • For Webcam, your camera must support Windows Imaging Acquisition (WIA).

Firewall, Privacy and Security requirements: Be sure to allow hotComm to access the Internet through your firewall, privacy and security software, and grant it all possible rights. For more information, see 'Firewalls' at Firewalls FAQ.

Super Java client
Minimum requirements for chat (typing):

  • Sun Java (most recent version) installed on your computer. If your computer does not already have Java support, you can get it from Sun Microsystems, Inc..
  • Internet Explorer 8.0 (or higher). Google Chrome Browser, Firefox or Safari also supported with most recent Java V: 7.17 or higer
  • Browser and/or MAC & PC enabled for Java and Javascript. Specifically set to allow for Java Applets to run with full permissions granted

Presentations including audio and/or charts also require:

  • Windows XP, Vista, or Windows 7/8 on a PC.
  • MAC OS users should still download hotComm (CL, Lite or STD/PRO) onto WINDOWS if installed on MAC (available through programs like VMWare, Bootcamp or Parallels) if this is possible
  • High-speed Internet connection, not dial-up*, ISDN* or satellite*.
  • Sound card in your computer, with updated sound drivers.
  • Pop-ups must be allowed. You must disable any pop-up blocking software.
  • Best performance requires multiple VoIP programs (i.e. SKYPE, AIM, Yahoo Messenger as examples) closed

* Dial-up, ISDN and satellite connections should use Windows clients instead.

Apple MacIntosh
MAC OS users can run the hotComm Windows clients successfully in Bootcamp, VMWare or Parallels on a Mac OS/X, and the IM-Live Java client can run successfully on Mac OS/X with the latest Apple Java version which can be downloaded from:

TESTING the Java Plugin
Apple has made many changes recently with java and it has presented difficulty for some customers.

We suggest to first test your MAC (and this works on WINDOWS, as well) to see if Java is working properly (which should mean you CAN run the hotComm Super Java if you successfully install the plug-in).

If there are problems with the Java not working, please install java from this site to try and resolve the issue. Note: you will be prompted, and asked if you want to allow the website access for the testing, to install or use java, please be sure to allow and acknowledge those prompts.

Link to test Java working on MAC:

Apple (i.e. MAC OS) Customer Help & Incident Report/Fixes for Java Client - click here (Revised 2017): HEREor in PDF format HERE

❇ ❇ NEW / UPDATED as of 2018 ❇ ❇

** NEW DOC UPLOADED 2018** If you ONLY need hotComm CL (The free version used for events and many trade rooms), please see these instructions: HERE

Wineskin Para Mac Os Sierra

Download Links - MAC/WINESKIN for ALL MAC OS Including High Sierra

      1)hotComm CL Download for the Wineskin/hotComm Solution - Free version
      (No hotComm Subscription)

      2)hotComm Lite Download for the Wineskin/hotComm Solution - Subscription based version

      3)hotComm Standard for the Wineskin/hotComm Solution - Subscription based version

    (Order Page for Pricing Info for hotComm Lite & Standard Clients);
Wineskin For Mac Os Sierra

If you're on a MAC using a room that supports the FREE hotComm CL client, and you are fairly good with your MAC, you're welcome to try the appropriate installation above for your room (whether the room allows for the free hotComm CL client OR a subscription based hotComm (Lite or Standard), and follow the instructions HEREfor installing hotComm CL on the Open Source Utility tool, 'Wineskin'. This Document also has information for hotComm Subscription based rooms that require hotComm Lite or hotComm STD.


NOTE: Not all features will be supported as hotComm is a native Windows program. Basic features to attend and participate in a hotComm room will however work, and it is a better alternative than Java. Please see the document and read the section that pertains to the hotComm client that you need (hotComm CL, STD, or hotComm Lite). Once you're finished reading through the instrucions, then perform the install and setup. It takes about fifteen minutes.

NEW DOC- If you ONLY need hotComm CL (free version for Online Trader Central events and many trade rooms), then perhaps you would prefer the shorter version of the document that is available HERE

NOTES: This solution allows a user to run hotComm on their MAC without having to purchase WINDOWS. It makes for a more 'robust' trade room experience, as one can then resize the window(s) with the charts or visual graphics (i.e. the hotCam).

Details/System Requirements and full installation instructions are at that link.

If you would like to see which features we've found in basic tests to work, visit our feature grid document for this alternative solution on THIS PAGE.

Wineskin High Sierra

** Adobe Reader required to open the documents **

As always if you have questions about using or installing this alternative solution, please call our Support Voicemail line, and leave a message at: (508) 425 - 6613

How To Use Wineskin Mac

Updated 2018

Wineskin Mac 10.15